Abortion & Reproduction
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Alan Guttmacher Institute http://www.agi-usa.org E-Mail: info@guttmacher.org 1120 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 460 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-296-4012 Fax: 202-223-5756 |
"The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) is a non-profit organization focused on sexual and reproductive health research, policy analysis and public education...The institute's mission is to protect the reproductive choices of all women and men in the United States and throughout the world. It is to support their ability to obtain the information and services needed to achieve their full human rights, safeguard their health and exercise their individual responsibilities in regard to sexual behavior and relationships, reproduction and family formation." (http://www.agi-usa.org/about/) |
American Life League http://www.all.org E-Mail: jbrown@all.org PO Box 1350 Stafford, VA 22555 Phone: 540-659-4171 Fax: 540-659-2586 |
"American Life League exists to serve God by helping to build a society that respects and protects innocent human life from fertilization to natural death - without compromise, without exception, without apology." (http://www.all.org/about/) | |
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Catholics for a Free Choice http://www.cath4choice.org E-Mail: cffc@catholicsforchoice.org 1436 U St. NW, Suite 301 Washington, DC 20009-3997 Phone: 202-986-6093 Fax: 202-332-7995 |
"Catholics for a Free Choice (CFFC) was founded in 1973 to serve as a voice for Catholics who believe that the Catholic tradition supports a woman’s moral and legal right to follow her conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health." (http://www.catholicsforchoice.org/about/default.asp) |
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Center for Reproductive
Rights http://www.reproductiverights.org E-Mail: info@reprorights.org 1146 19th St. NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-530-2975 Fax: 202-530-2976 |
"The Center for Reproductive Rights is a non-profit legal advocacy organization dedicated to promoting and defending women's reproductive rights worldwide." (http://www.reproductiverights.org/) |
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EMILY's List http://www.emilyslist.org E-Mail: feedback form 1120 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-326-1400 Fax: 202-326-1415 |
"EMILY's List is a political network for pro-choice Democratic women candidates that raises early money to make women credible contenders. EMILY stands for 'Early Money Is Like Yeast' (we help the "dough" rise)." (http://www.emilyslist.org/) |
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NARAL Pro-Choice
America http://www.naral.org E-Mail: feedback form 1156 15th St. NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 202-973-3000 Fax: 202-973-3096 |
"For over thirty years, NARAL Pro-Choice America has been the political arm of the pro-choice movement and a strong advocate of reproductive freedom and choice. NARAL Pro-Choice America's mission is to protect and preserve the right to choose while promoting policies and programs that improve women's health and make abortion less necessary. NARAL Pro-Choice America works to educate Americans and officeholders about reproductive rights and health issues and elect pro-choice candidates at all levels of government." (http://www.naral.org/about/mission.cfm) |
National Family
Planning and Reproductive Health Association http://www.nfprha.org E-Mail: info@nfprha.org 1627 K St. NW, 12th Floor Washington, D.C. 20006 Phone: 202-293-3114 Fax: 202-293-1990 |
"The National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA), founded in 1971, is a non-profit membership organization established to assure access to voluntary, comprehensive and culturally sensitive family planning and reproductive health care services and to support reproductive freedom for all." (http://www.nfprha.org/about/) | |
Pro-Life Alliance |
"The National Pro-Life Alliance is a non-profit, non-partisan coalition of more than 600,000 pro-life Americans united by a single mission: ending the horror of abortion-on-demand. The Alliance's endeavor is to save every pre-born baby in this country by changing the political landscape and the laws which currently allow so many to be slaughtered mercilessly." (http://www.prolifealliance.com) | |
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National Right
to Life http://www.nrlc.org E-Mail: NRLC@nrlc.org 512 10th St. NW Washington, DC 20004 Phone: 202-626-8800 |
"The ultimate goal of the National Right to Life Committee is to restore legal protection to innocent human life. The primary interest of the National Right to Life Committee and its members has been the abortion controversy; however, it is also concerned with related matters of medical ethics which relate to the right to life issues of euthanasia and infanticide. The Committee does not have a position on issues such as contraception, sex education, capital punishment, and national defense." (http://www.nrlc.org/Missionstatement.htm) |
Pharmacists for Life International http://www.pfli.org/ E-Mail: pfli@pfli.org PO Box 1281 Powell, OH 43065-1281 Phone: 740-881-5520, 800-227-8359 Fax: 707-667-2447 |
"PFLI's mission is to make pharmacy once again a life-saving profession, a mooring from which it has drifted. As part of this commitment, PFLI is actively involved in educating pharmacists, nurses, physicians and other health professionals; educating the general public; serving pregnancy care centers; providing an economical speakers bureau; providing pharmaceutical cognitive services and consulting services; offering a toll-free contact phone number; providing on-line Internet and e-mail services; and providing many other benefits for members and non-members, pharmacists, lay persons, and students." (http://www.pfli.org/main.php?pfli=aboutus) | |
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Planned Parenthood
Federation of America, Inc. http://www.plannedparenthood.org E-Mail: communications@ppfa.org 1780 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington , DC 20036 Phone: 202-785-3351 Fax: 202-293-4349 |
"...The mission of
Planned Parenthood is to provide comprehensive reproductive and complementary
health care services in settings which preserve and protect the essential
privacy and rights of each individual; to advocate public policies which
guarantee these rights and ensure access to such services; to provide educational
programs which enhance understanding of individual and societal implications
of human sexuality; to promote research and the advancement of technology
in reproductive health care and encourage understanding of their inherent
bioethical, behavioral, and social implications." (http://www.plannedparenthood.org/about/ thisispp/mission.html) |
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Connection http://www.populationconnection.org/ E-Mail: info@populationconnection.org 1400 16th St. NW, Suite 320 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-332-2200, 800-767-1956 Fax: 202-332-2302 |
threatens the quality of life for people everywhere. Population Connection
is the national grassroots population organization that educates young people
and advocates progressive action to stabilize world population at a level
that can be sustained by Earth's resources." (http://www.populationconnection.org/About_Us/) |
Religious Coalition for Reproductive
Choice http://www.rcrc.org E-Mail: info@rcrc.org 1025 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 1130 Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 202-628-7700 Fax: 202-628-7716 |
"The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice was founded in 1973 to safeguard the newly won constitutional right to abortion. The Coalition founders were clergy and lay leaders from mainstream religions, many of whom had provided women with referrals to safe abortion services before the Supreme Court legalized abortion in Roe v. Wade...Our rational, healing perspective looks beyond the bitter abortion debate to seek solutions to pressing problems such as unintended pregnancy, the spread of HIV/AIDS, inadequate health care and health insurance, and the severe reduction in reproductive health care services. We support access to sex education, family planning and contraception, affordable child care and health care, and adoption services as well as safe, legal, abortion services, regardless of income. We work for public policies that ensure the medical, economic, and educational resources necessary for healthy families and communities that are equipped to nurture children in peace and love." (http://www.rcrc.org/about/index.cfm) | |
Republican National
Coalition for Life http://rnclife.org PO Box 618 Alton, IL 62002 Phone: 972-387-4160 Fax: 972-387-3830 |
"RNC/Life will continue to work to protect and defend the Republican Party's principled commitment to legal protection for all innocent human beings, from conception until natural death. In addition, we will work to hold Republican lawmakers accountable to the pro-life principles in our platform. It is our desire to see those principles translated into public policy and law. Further, we encourage Republican Party officials enthusiastically support pro-life candidates and policies consistent with our platform." (http://rnclife.org/about/) | |
Susan B. Anthony
List http://www.sba-list.org E-Mail: info@sba-list.org 1800 Diagonal Rd., Suite 285 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 703-683-5558 Fax: 703-549-5588 |
"The Susan B. Anthony List trains pro-life activists and candidates in the fundamentals of running a successful grassroots or political campaign, advocates the passage of pro-life legislation in Congress, works to dispel the myths about abortion, educates women voters on the importance of voting, works to increase the percentage of pro-life women in Congress (through our Candidate Fund). The Candidate Fund assists pro-life women candidates and works to defeat proabortion women candidates and incumbents." (http://www.sba-list.org/index.cfm/section/about/page/mission.html) |