Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty E-Mail: 161 Ottawa Ave., Suite 301 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Phone: 616-454-3080 Fax: 616-454-9454 |
"The Mission of the Acton Institute is to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles." THINK TANK ( | |
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American Family Association E-Mail: PO Drawer 2440 Tupelo, MS 38803 Phone: 662-844-5036 Fax: 662-842-7798 |
"AFA represents and stands for traditional family values, focusing primarily on the influence of television and other media -including pornography- on our society." ( |
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Bread for the World E-mail: 50 F St. NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20001 Phone: 202-639-9400, 800-82-BREAD Fax: 202-639-9401 |
"Bread for the World is a nationwide Christian citizen's movement that seeks justice for the world's hungry people by lobbying our nation's decision makers." ( |
Christian Action Network E-Mail: PO Box 16606 Forest, VA 24551 Phone: 804-525-0191, 800-835-5795 Fax: 804-525-0243 |
"Christian Action Network was founded in 1990 by Martin Mawyer, who based the organization on biblical principles, values, traditions and truths. Mr. Mawyer's primary goal in establishing Christian Action Network (CAN) to protect America's religious and moral heritage through intensive lobbying efforts — both in the nation's capital and at the grassroots level." ( | |
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Christian Coalition of America E-Mail: PO Box 37030 Washington, DC 20013-7030 Phone: 202-479-6900 Fax: 202-479-4260 |
"We are driven by the belief that people of faith have a right and a responsibility to be involved in the world around them. That involvement includes community, social and political action. Our goals include: strengthening the family, protecting innocent human life, returning education to local and parental control, easing the tax burden on families, punishing criminals and defending victims' rights, protecting young people and our communities from the pollution of pornography, defending the institution of marriage, protecting religious freedom." ( |
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Concerned Women for America E-mail: 1015 15th St. NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 202-488-7000 Fax: 202-488-0806 |
"We are the nation's largest public policy women's organization with a rich 25-year history of helping our members across the country bring Biblical principles into all levels of public policy." ( |
Evangelical Environmental Network E-Mail: 10 E Lancaster Ave. Wynnewood, PA 19096 Phone: 202-554-1955 Toll Free: 800-650-6600 |
"The Evangelical Environmental Network is a fellowship of believers who . . . Declare the Lordship of Christ over all creation. He is the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created. All things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:15b; 16a, c; 17)..." ( | |
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Family Research Council E-Mail: feedback form 801 G St. NW Washington, DC 20001 Phone: 202-393-2100, 800-225-4008 Fax: 202-393-2134 |
"The Family Research Council champions marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society. We shape public debate and formulate public policy that values human life and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family. Believing that God is the author of life, liberty, and the family, we promote the Judeo-Christian worldview as the basis for a just, free, and stable society." ( |
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Focus on the Family E-Mail: feedback form 8655 Explorer Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Phone: 719-531-3400, 800-A-FAMILY Fax: 719-531-3424 |
"To cooperate with the Holy Spirit in disseminating the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible, and, specifically, to accomplish that objective by helping to preserve traditional values and the institution of the family." ( |
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Friends Committee on National Legislation E-Mail: 245 Second St. NE Washington, DC 20002-5795 Phone: 202-547-6000, 800-630-1330 Fax: 202-547-6019 |
"FCNL, the Friends Committee on National Legislation, is a Quaker lobby in the public interest. FCNL seeks to bring the concerns, experiences and testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends to bear on policy decisions in the nation's capital. FCNL's small staff works with a nationwide network of thousands of Quakers and like-minded people to advocate social and economic justice, peace, and good government. Since its founding in 1943, FCNL has witnessed from a basis of spiritual and ethical purpose, as we seek change in both national policy and public opinion." ( |
General Board of Church and Society The United Methodist Church 100 Maryland Ave. NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone: 202-488-5600, 800-967-0880 Fax: 202-488-5619 |
"The message of salvation brought by Jesus Christ binds us together as a people and sends us forth to bring healing in the midst of strife, justice in the midst of brokenness, and love in the midst of hate. As United Methodists, we are called to invite people to enter into a community of faith responsive to a vision of justice ministries that is biblically and theologically grounded, and to invite United Methodist congregations to play a prophetic role in bringing God's vision to reality. Our mission is to advocate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the church and society." ( | |
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National Association of Evangelicals E-Mail: PO Box 23269 Washington, DC 20026 Phone: 202-789-1011 |
"The mission of the National Association of Evangelicals is to extend the kingdom of God through a fellowship of member denominations, churches, organizations, and individuals, demonstrating the unity of the body of Christ by standing for biblical truth, speaking with a representative voice, and serving the evangelical community through united action, cooperative ministry, and strategic planning." ( |
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Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. E-Mail: 475 Riverside Dr., Room 880 New York, NY 10115 Phone: 212-870-2227 Fax: 212-870-2030 |
"...The NCC works for peace and justice in the United States, addressing issues ranging from poverty and racism, to the environment, family ministries, and much more. It serves churches through a wide variety of educational ministries. And it coordinates the production of national network television and cable TV programming of religious interest..." ( |
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People for the American Way E-Mail: 2000 M St. NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-467-4999, 800-326-7329 |
"Our purpose is to meet the challenges of discord and fragmentation with an affirmation of "the American Way." By this, we mean pluralism, individuality, freedom of thought, expression and religion, a sense of community, and tolerance and compassion for others. People For the American Way will reach out to all Americans and affirm that in our society, the individual still matters; that there is reason to believe in the future - not to despair of it - and that we must strengthen the common cords that connect us as humans and citizens." ( default.aspx?oid=2859) |
Restoring Eden E-Mail: PO Box 877 La Center, WA 98629 Phone: 360-574-8230 |
"Restoring Eden makes hearts bigger, hands dirtier, and voices stronger by encouraging Christians to learn to love, serve, and protect God's creation." ( | |
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Traditional Values Coalition E-Mail: feedback form 139 C St. SE Washington, DC 20003 Phone: 202-547-8570 Fax: 202-546-6403 |
"With an emphasis on the restoration of the values needed to maintain strong, unified families, Traditional Values Coalition focuses upon issues such as education, homosexual advocacy, family tax relief, pornography, the right to life and religious freedom." ( op=viewarticle&artid=21) |